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Specialised in Civil and Commercial Complex Litigation and International Arbitration.

Co-lecturer on arbitration and enforcement proceedings, Master’s Degree in Private Law by the Bar Association of Madrid, Spain.

Degrees in Law and Business Administration, ICADE, Universidad Pontificia Comillas, Madrid, Spain.


Head of Legal, Unicskin, S.L., Madrid and London (2018-2020).

Senior Associate, Uría Menéndez, Madrid and New York (2011-2018).


  • Secreto profesional de los abogados y financiación de los arbitrajes, Anuario de Arbitraje 2021, Coord. Menéndez, M.J., Ed. Civitas, Madrid. Co-author with Jesús Almoguera and Eduardo Vázquez de Prada.

  • Encyclopedia of International Commercial Litigation, Spanish Section, Anthony Colman (General Editor), AH Alphen aan den Rijn: Kluwer Law International, 2015. Co-author with with Álvaro López de Argumedo, Jesús Remón, Agustín Capilla and Constanza Balmaseda Serrat-Valera.

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